Places to visit in Prayagraj (Allahabad)

1. Kumbh Mela

One of the very important and large gatherings of the pilgrims in the Hinduism & most famous fair in India, Kumbh Mela is held at four locations. During the time of mela, a vast number of Hindu people visit this mela to bathe in the holy water. This is a ritual, which is followed with the belief that bathing in the holy water will bring them the purity by clearing their sins. The Kumbh Mela at Prayagraj is the site to behold as the fair is set up covering the three holy rivers i.e. Ganga, Sarasvati, and Yamuna, which is known as Triveni Sangam. In Allahabad, every 6 years, Ardh Kumbh is also organised. Kumbh is one of the main tourist attractions of the place.

The Kumbh is best described as the world’s utmost gigantic act of trust, in which the participation and attendance by the passionate Hindus are given a lot of importance. The whole Prayagraj comes to life during the fair as all the mandirs are lit up and decorated and you will witness sadhus and pandits doing pooja and aarthi etc. 
During the Kumbh, temporary railway stations are built around the areas of the fair in order to facilitate the entry of the huge population coming to witness this divine event. People can find affordable stay in Prayagraj or book a tent if planning for staying in the mela.

 2. Triveni Sangam

At a distance of 7 kilometres from the city, the Sangam is the interaction point of the three rivers i.e. the Yamuna, Sarasvati, and Yamuna, among which Sarasvati is known as the mythical river, which hypothetically has dried up many years ago. At the Sangam you will get to witness the stunning meet of brown coloured Ganga River with the green coloured Yamuna River. You can indulge in some boating here.


The Sangam is a beautiful place for sightseeing as there are various pooja that is performed on the site, and even the platform is constructed right in the middle of the Sangam to perform various other rituals. Also, there are other breathtaking views from the place like you can see the Allahabad Fort built by Akbar or the bridge on the Yamuna River. Best time to visit Prayagraj is during sunrise or sunset and in favourable weather.
The Sangam is well connected with the main city with almost all means of transport but the most comfortable way is to get a cab, which will directly drop you to the banks of Sangam and from there one can use the boat or ferry.


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